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I have found that the primary predictor of campaign success is leadership.  And that leadership begins with the board.


This “campaign readiness checklist” will help you determine if your board members are ready to launch a major gifts fundraising drive.

  1. Is the organization’s leadership – volunteer and professional – united in their commitment to moving ahead with the fundraising project?

  1. Are board members driving the preparation process, i.e. strategic planning, identifying needs, and prospect identification or is this being left to the “professionals”? 

  1. Do board members understand the realities of campaigning?  Have they been educated by fundraising counsel or a development officer?

  1. Do board members feel that it is a privilege, worthy of their best efforts, to serve the organization and do they believe that the organization is urgently needed by its constituency, clients and community?

Ted Wood & Associates

2112 Coventry Drive

Allison Park, PA 15101

Phone: 412-952-9690

Fax: 412-492-7274


In more than 30 years of fundraising consulting and campaign direction I have been able to help over 200 non-profits achieve their fundraising objectives.  If your board members need help getting ready to campaign and then conducting a campaign, I will be able to provide the direction you need.


  1. Are board members already giving of their “time, treasure and talent” or is giving by board members considered optional?

  1. Are board members willing to clear out, over time, “deadwood” from the membership or are relationships between members more valuable than advancing the mission of the organization?

  1. Is the board prepared to act on the development committee’s recommendations when officially presented or will board members second guess and redo the work completed by the committee?

  1. Are the board members willing to go on a retreat at which time the only or primary topic is fundraising and the campaign or is this considered too great a sacrifice of time?